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Reading and Phonics

At Endeavour Cooperative Academy, we have a culture that promotes a love of reading, whether that be a story, novel, graphic novel, article, recipe, instructions, fiction or nonfiction, whatever sparks our interests.

There are opportunities for our pupils to develop their reading skills everyday. From quiet reading, reading 1:1 with an adult, enjoying a whole class story to choosing to read aloud in class, we support our pupils in their individual progress with their reading.


We have dedicated time on our timetable for phonics and reading, which enables everyone to develop their skills and become confident readers.


We use the Accelerated Reader system, so pupils can show their understanding of the text they read and we celebrate successes in completing quizzes. Our library is organised with a clear colour coded and labelled system, so that all pupils can feel excited about choosing their next read.


We have regular items in our newsletter of ‘Star Reader’ and ‘Currently Reading’. The Star Reader is awarded to a pupil that has shown their love of reading in some way. This could be that they have excelled in a reading assessment, that they have increased their confidence in reading, that they have shown perseverance with their reading or really anything related to their reading that they should be proud of. Our ‘Currently Reading’ item shares a book that a class is enjoying sharing and reading together.


Our phonics sessions are based on Twinkl phonics, but are adapted to suit the needs and abilities of our pupils. Phonics sessions take place in every class across all Key Stages and lead into comprehension and English Key skills once all phonics levels are secure.

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Remote Offer

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Further detail on our approach to Remote Teaching and Learning can be found in our ‘Safe Remote Learning and Teaching Policy’. 


Endeavour Cooperative Academy is a Google School, meaning we use a Google system, which can be accessed from home when needed for remote learning.


Endeavour pupils are familiar with Google Classroom and regularly use this platform to access learning across a range of lessons. This should therefore be familiar to your child if they need to enter a period of remote learning.


There are a range of reasons and circumstances why a pupil may need a period of remote learning and this will be arranged and agreed between home and school on an individual basis.


When teaching pupils who are working remotely, teachers will;

  • Set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day.

  • Deliver a planned, coherent and well-sequenced curriculum which allows skills to be built incrementally.

  • Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content through high-quality curriculum resources, including through educational videos.

  • Assess progress by using questions and other suitable tasks and be clear on how regularly work will be checked.

  • Adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.

  • Plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school or in the field, ideally including daily contact with teachers.


Materials used for the duration of remote learning may include any combination of the following

  • Google Classroom

  • Work booklets

  • Email

  • Past and mock exam papers

  • Online learning portals - including Renaissance Learning, myOn, Dynamo Maths, Bug Club, Nessy

  • Educational websites

  • Reading tasks

  • Live webinars including interactive lessons to groups or individuals

  • Pre-recorded video or audio lessons


For any online learning, parents/carers and pupils will be reminded of login details and urls to be able to access websites and portals that are subscribed to by the school.

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